South Africa – Lamp recycling technology major Balcan Engineering is celebrating the completion of its first South African contract with E-Waste Africa, a company that has recently opened the country’s first light bulb recycling plant. The facility represents ‘a significant step forward in the management of e-waste in South Africa’, it claims.
Balcan has installed its MP8000 bulb and lamp recycling plant, which incorporates ‘latest technology’ while offering the capability ‘to recycle fluorescent lighting and almost all other types of crushed and whole lamps’.
As part of the system, Balcan has supplied its portable Lamp Crusher to allow E-Waste Africa to provide an onsite crushing and collection service, thus ‘reducing volume and improving safety for transportation’.
At the plant’s opening ceremony, South Africa’s deputy minister for environmental affairs Barbara Thomson underlined the importance of ‘correct management of e-waste’, stating: ‘One of the consequences of apartheid spatial planning practice was the deliberate location of black settlements near landfills. As a result of poverty and unemployment in these settlements, people often resorted to searching through landfills for food and valuables, which exposed them to the deadly toxins released by e-waste.’
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