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Paper & cardboard recycling around the world

Recyclers target many different materials, such as paper and cardboard. The global paper recycling market is currently worth EUR 39.8 billion.

Recyclers may collect:

  • Printing & writing paper
  • Paper & cardboard packaging
  • Tissue
  • Wrapping paper
  • Phone books
  • Postal paper (enveloppes, cards etc.)
  • Paper plates & cups

How much is recycled?

Paper counts as one of the most recycled materials in our society. Fibre products like cardboard boxes and old newspapers or magazines can usually be recycled up to 25 times.

Over 50 million tonnes of paper were recovered for recycling In the US in 2021. The nation manages a recycling rate of 68%. Meanwhile, around 77% of all paper and cardboard put on the market in Europe is collected and recycled.

If Europe’s recycling rate were to increase by just 9%, an additional 5 million tonnes of material could enter recycling streams annually. Market analysts estimate this extra volume could have a value of EUR 1 billion.

How is the material treated?

In order to qualify for recycling, the scrap must be clean and must not contain other substances such as plastic and metal. These are called contaminants. It also greatly helps if the input is dry.

Paper that is suitable for recycling is dissolved in water at a paper mill. This results in a kind of wet pulp. This pulp is sieved to remove most of the water and then two large rollers crush the paper fibers so that most of the remaining water is also wrung out.

The next step is to dry the fibers. The paper is then suitable for use as a raw material again.

The collected paper and cardboard is sorted and usually pressed into bales. During processing, it is ground into small fibers and then mixed with water until a pulp is formed.

In this phase, pieces of metal and plastic can also be removed from the pulp. This pulp is washed and then the paper fiber can be used again in new products.

Who is involved?

There are many companies and organisations specialising in paper & cardboard recycling. Examples include paper mills, trade organisations, traders and recycling technology experts. These include:

  • CEPI (Europe)
  • The Recycling Association (UK)
  • The Paper Recycling Coalition (USA)