United States – There are currently 359 hammermill-type shredders in North America, according to the latest overview in Scrap magazine, published by the US Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries.
The number ‘essentially has remained constant since 2014’ when the publication last printed its roll-call of shredder operations, notes publisher Kent Kiser. Of the 359 units, 316 can be found in the USA, 28 in Canada and 15 in Mexico.
‘While recyclers have permanently decommissioned a few shredders in the past three years, new installations largely made up for those subtractions,’ writes Kiser in the September/October issue. ‘Those new installations continue to reflect recyclers’ preference for smaller shredders, in part due to the ongoing challenge of sourcing sufficient feedstock for larger shredders.’
He adds: ‘We also see an increase in idled shredders. Given the lower demand for shredded scrap in recent years and the tighter competition for – and lower availability of – shredder feedstock, some recyclers have found it doesn’t pay to run their shredders.’
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