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Non-clothing textiles main mission for WRAP

United Kingdom – Exploring the recycling potential for non-clothing textiles – like carpet and soft furnishings – will be a main focus for the UK’s reuse and recycling group, WRAP, this year. ‘We want to make sure there are sufficient markets for all of the material that comes out of landfill,’ has been told by WRAP’s head of products, Mervyn Jones.

‘While reuse is a major activity within the clothing sector it is not a particularly high activity within the textile sector and we want to identify where there are market opportunities for textile recycling broader than just clothing,’ Jones explained. He said the new mission would form part of the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan (SCAP), launched by WRAP in 2009.

The group is also planning to emphasise the contribution that textile reuse and a sustainable clothing supply chain can make to waste prevention by responding to a call for evidence from Defra, the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, for its Waste Prevention Plan.

A SCAP team is meanwhile drafting a ‘2020 commitment’ directed at the whole textiles industry. Jones said the aims was to encourage organisations across the sector to sign up to voluntary targets to reduce carbon emissions, water use and waste.

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