India / The Netherlands – Elgi Rubber International Ltd has announced the acquisition of a 100% interest in Rubber Resources BV of the Netherlands.
Headquartered in India, Elgi already runs operations in the USA, Brazil, East Africa and other parts of the Indian Sub-continent, focusing on rubber recycling and especially on tyres and retreading.
This latest acquisition, says Elgi, will provide the company with ‘a strong presence in Europe’ and will represent a ‘big step towards being a worldwide supplier of reclaim to the rubber industry’. It will also, the company notes, ‘provide products and solutions that were until now parts of two different domains’, adding that ‘this union will bring synergies to customers and suppliers worldwide’.
With its base in Maastricht, long-established Rubber Resources is engaged in recycling polymers – specifically from natural rubber and butyl-based products. Elgi describes it is a ‘primary supplier of reclaimed rubber to leading tyre companies and rubber goods manufacturers in demanding markets like Europe, the United States and Japan’.
Elgi envisages Maastricht as the centre for its growth in the rubber reclaim business and in developing new rubber recycling processes, products and solutions. Rubber Resources and the ECORR brand will become the trade names for Elgi’s rubber reclaiming businesses.
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