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International Electronics Recycling Congress – call for papers

Global – Swiss congress organiser ICM has issued the first announcement and call for papers for next year’€™s International Electronics Recycling Congress (IERC), which is scheduled to be held on January 21-23 in Salzburg, Austria.

The congress aims to address many topics of interest to the e-scrap industry, such as: how countries and electronics manufacturers close the recycling loop; worldwide take-back schemes, quotas and challenges of systems and OEMs; the impact of waste legislation on the service/repair business; E&E recycling standards, compliance and controls; reports on strategic metals recycling (platinum group metals and rare earth elements) and metal trading; best available recycling technologies; and business opportunities in emerging markets.

In addition, the congress will offer tool-box/company spotlight talks, workshops, a cocktail reception, a networking dinner and plant tours.

If you are interested in making a presentation, taking an exhibition booth or being a sponsor at IERC 2015, please send a short abstract with your key message to ICM before July 28 2014.

For more information, contact:

ICM, Birrwil, Switzerland

Phone: +41 62 785 10 00

Fax: +41 62 785 10 05

Email: [email protected]

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