Europe – Despite having some reservations over the proposal, European non-ferrous metals association Eurometaux has expressed its concern about the potential withdrawal of the Circular Economy Package from the European Commission’s 2015 work programme given that it represents ‘an important attempt to promote quality recycling’. The organisation’s sentiments were aired in a letter to Frans Timmermans, the European Commission’s first vice-president.
While welcoming the Circular Economy Package, Eurometaux has emphasised that equivalent conditions for recycling must be required wherever waste is treated ′so as to ensure a global level playing field and support quality recyclers′. The package′s recycling targets should also be ′realistic, notably with regard to the calculation methods and time horizon′.
Eurometaux′s director general Guy Thiran says in summary: ′Eurometaux conveys its support to further use of the inter-institutional process, in close co-operation with relevant stakeholders, to improve the proposed measures of the Circular Economy Package so that it can enforce conditions needed to boost recycling, as well as enhance industrial competitiveness and support growth and employment in Europe.′
Eurometaux represents the enterprises and organisations that make up the broad non-ferrous metals supply chain – from mining and refining to processing, fabrication and recycling.
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