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Accurec secures resource efficiency award

Germany – Accurec, which specialises in industrial metal refining and recovery, has been presented with the German Raw Materials Efficiency Award by the country’€™s Federal Minister of Economics Dr Philipp Rösler.

Also present at the ceremony was State Secretary Dr Bernhard Heitzer who praised the company for the various energy-efficient and emission-free treatment processes it has developed for end-of-life products in recent years.

In accepting the award, Accurec said ‘€˜treatment for metal recovery has become very challenging as steadily increasing product performance results in more complex products’€™. At the core of its success, it added, has been its thermo-chemical treatment in a vacuum reactor, which ensures that metal-hydroxides or metal-oxides normally related to organic compounds are ‘€˜selectively converted to organic-free clean metals’€™.

The technology has resulted from research conducted alongside scientists from the Institute for Metallurgical Processing, located at the University of Aachen, Germany. Two additional research projects for thin-film-photovoltaic panels and electronic vehicle batteries were begun last summer, Accurec notes.

Given that the renewable energy sector is ‘€˜an emerging market that is developing phenomenally’€™, Accurec’€™s Managing Director Dr Reiner Weyhe stated that ‘€˜an enormous motivation and task’€™ lies ahead for the company in the next couple of years.

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