Switzerland – The 12th International Electronics Recycling Congress (IERC 2013) will take place on January 16-18 next year in Salzburg, Austria.More than 500 experts from industry, the authorities and academia are expected to attend in order to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling sector.
The preliminary programme includes a round-table discussion with industry leaders entitled ‘Free trade versus fair trade’. Other topics to be covered will include: how electronics manufacturing companies close the recycling loop; worldwide take-back schemes and challenges for OEMs; economies of scale in WEEE recycling and future challenges; e-scrap recycling standards, compliance and controls; recycling e-waste containing hazardous elements; theft of materials and illegal exports; collection and logistics challenges; best available recycling technologies; and strategic metals recycling (including platinum group metals and rare earths).
A large exhibition area will be integrated into the conference facilities where vendors can meet their clients. Cocktail receptions and a networking dinner will enable delegates to make contact with business partners, friends and competitors. The congress will also feature plant tours to: a copper smelter; an electronics recycling plant; a lighting and flat screen recycling plant; a metal scrap and sorting yard; and a plastics recycling plant.
For more information, contact: Susann Schmid, International Congress & Marketing (ICM),
Phone : +41 62 785 1000, E-mail: [email protected]
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