BIR Convention
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What’s BIR all about?
The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) is an organisation, based in Brussels, that represents the worldwide recycling industry. It has established committees dedicated to specific types of scrap, also called secondary resources or recyclables.
These include:
- Ferrous metal
- Non-ferrous metal
- Plastics
- Paper
- Textiles
- Electronics
- Batteries
BIR enlists experts to provide regular market updates. Market sentiment, trade trends, commodity prices and legislative developments are at the core of these reports, titled World Mirrors.
The BIR organises two major conferences every year, typically in the spring and autumn. They take place in Europe, with recent editions taking place in Valencia and Copenhagen. Recycling International covers these events in its magazine as well as online.
BIR has taken on the role as industry advocate, frequently consulting new and established politicians on recycling rules and regulations.