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Where landfills and music meet

Paraguay – A documentary called ‘€˜Landfill Harmonic’€™ directed by Emmy-nominated film-maker Graham Townsley is approaching release. The film revolves around an orchestra of Paraguayan youths playing instruments crafted from waste materials.

‘€˜We filmed some of the children who learned to play violin, flute, drums, cello, string bass and more – all made from recycled metal drums, tin cans and plastic pipes,’€™ Mr Townsley explains. He hopes that the feature will ‘€˜showcase the power of creativity, hope, empowerment and community work’€™.

Production began last year in the South American town of Cateura, which is said to be ‘€˜essentially built on top of a landfill’€™. Eager to teach music to kids from the outskirts, Favio Hernán Chávez Morán became the leader of what he now labels his ‘€˜recycled orchestra’€™. Together with his musical charges, he travelled across the nation to add more players – with the number rising from just 15 to more than 50.

As a result, finding enough instruments with which to practice and perform became a problem. ‘€˜Then it occurred to me that we might just as easily build them ourselves – using various objects from the trash,’€™ recalls Mr Hernán Chávez Morán. Hand-crafted by a local recycler, the first instrument – an aluminium can violin – initially met with scepticism but has since proved its worth alongside more conventional counterparts.

The range of instruments now extends to: saxophones made from spoons and buttons; basses constructed from a bulky reservoir that formerly contained chemical products; and flutes made from water tubes and locks.

Mr Townsley notes: ‘€˜Our film shows how trash and recycled materials can be transformed into beautiful-sounding musical instruments; but more importantly, it brings witness to the transformation of human beings.’€™

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