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Pandemic drives urgency to recycle, says survey

Most Europeans (86%) believe that taking care of our environment and recycling is even more important since the outbreak of Covid-19 – while 91% say they would like to do more, according to a poll among almost 14 000 people in 14 European countries.

The survey was conducted by the UK-founded Every Can Counts initiative, which aims to raise awareness about the advantages of recycling aluminium beverage cans.

‘The findings show there is a growing awareness about the need to recycle as much waste as possible and the pandemic has only accelerated that process,’ says Every Can Counts Europe director David Van Heuverswyn. ‘People realise how pressing this problem is and are willing to work towards establishing a true circular economy.’

Environment above economy 

More than half (52%) the respondents would not prioritise the economy over the environment, despite the economic slowdown in the wake of the pandemic. Two out of three say recycling is an obligation for all and that there is an urgent need to tackle the problem. More than three-quarters of respondents say they always or often recycle all types of materials while 76% of people often or always recycle their aluminium drink cans, the most recycled beverage packaging globally.

The survey polled a balanced sample size of 13 793 people older than 16 in those countries where Every Can Counts has a local initiative: Belgium, Serbia, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and France.

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