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Central Ohio to funnel landfill recyclables into ‘green park’

United States – The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) in the USA is to launch a US$ 300 million project to divert recyclable materials from garbage dumped at its landfill. Apart from providing local companies with resources for their recycled products, the initiative also aims to transform a portion of the waste into power to benefit businesses in the area.

According to SWACO, it will sign a contract with Florida-based Team Gemini LLC, which is to build a combined receiving and sorting plant next to the landfill. The mission is to sort and fully ‘strip recyclable materials out of the waste it receives’, officials have stated.

The Gemini facility is expected to be fully operational in two years from now and will divert for recycling roughly 1000 tonnes of the total 4000 tonnes of waste usually delivered to the landfill on a daily basis, reveals SWACO’€™s Executive Director Ron Mills. The end-goal of the project, he adds, is to recycle all of the waste the facility receives.

The new venture will have 365 acres at its disposal and will be constructed as a ‘green industrial park’, catering especially to recycled goods manufacturing and power generation. The recycling park is scheduled to create around 300 permanent jobs and 500 construction jobs.


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Source: The Columbus Dispatch.

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