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Green Recycling bets on artificial intelligence

BHS managing director Rich Reardon is sure that its new MAX-AI technology is 'the type of development that will change the industry'.

United Kingdom – Green Recycling is proud to announce it is the first UK company to purchase the innovative Max-AI Autonomous Quality Control robotic sorter developed by Bulk Handling Systems (BHS) to increase recovery of recyclables without requiring additional manual labour at the company’€™s commercial and commingled dry recyclables MRF in Maldon, Essex.

The new artificial intelligence sorter will be operational in the first quarter of the new year, at which point it will average 65 picks per minute.

To date, three BHS units have been successfully installed at recycling centres in America since the machine’s launch in early 2017.

The Max-AI sorter essentially ‘learns’ from past experiences thanks to its artificial neural network technology so it can quickly and easily identify recyclables and place them into the appropriate chutes. At Green Recycling’s facility, the equipment is used to open bags, collect plastic film, OCC, and segregate material using screen and air separation technologies.

‘We believe that this technology will revolutionise MRF operations and we’re excited to be the first to introduce it here in the UK,’ says Rob Smith, Managing Director at Green Recycling. He stresses that the company is always on the lookout for the latest technology to further automate and improve our process. ‘We can’t wait to put Max to work!,’ Smith notes.

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