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Furnace innovation for precious metals scrap

United States – US-based Metallix Refining Inc. has taken the initiative regarding the recycling of precious metals-bearing scrap by designing the APR 3 furnace – said to be of particular benefit to the scrap jewellery market.

The furnace thermally reduces the elements surrounding the material, Metallix notes, by creating an oxygen-starved, nitrogen-infused atmosphere, using radiant heat to control combustion of the scrap materials. This allows the production of a ′turbulent-free environment′ inside the furnace, effectively minimising precious metal losses.

The final product from the APR 3 furnace is a precious metals-bearing ash which is then sent to the company′s mechanical reduction, melt or wet chemical departments for further upgrading. The APR 3 enshrines ′a far more advanced process′ compared to industry-standard furnaces, Metallix says.

These alternatives end up burning valuable precious metals in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, meaning that they cannot control combustion of the scrap materials and risk losing precious metals, the recycler explains. Avoiding losses is vital in the ′fast-paced′ jewellery business, according to Metallix. The furnace innovation will prove ′perfect together with jewellery sweeps′, finally yielding a recycling solution for scrap materials that ′too sensitive for common incineration methods′.

Over the last 40 years, Metallix has become a global leader in precious metals recycling. With offices in North Carolina and New Jersey, it has pursued innovative ways of both recycling and refining gold, silver, platinum, palladium and rhodium.

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