Global – The global printed circuit board (PCB) recycling market is expected to expand from around US$ 2 billion in 2013 to more than US$ 3 billion in 2018, says research and consulting firm IndustryARC. This represents year-on-year growth of some 6.5%.
The global PCB manufacturing market is forecast to increase in size from around US$ 62.3 billion in 2013 to some US$ 74.31 billion in 2018, which is equivalent to annual growth of 3.6%. IndustryARC adds that market volumes are likely to increase to 32 billion units and 3.98 million tonnes by 2018, up 3.8% and 5% respectively.
‘High demand from smartphones and media devices in consumer electronics, coupled with resurgence in industrial automation segments, is the main growth driver,’ the report notes. China remains the leading producer ‘with a major market share’, followed by Japan and South Korea. At present, PCBs constitute around 9% by weight and 4% by mass of all waste electrical and electronic equipment, which is said to total more than 10 million tonnes.
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