United States – Best Buy, a major consumer electronics retailer in the US, has announced it will start charging a fee of US$ 25 for every television or monitor collected for recycling ‘ this includes cathode ray tubes as well as flat panel screens. It feared this move will see less units come in for recycling.
According to Best Buy, all other consumers objects will still be collected free of charge. However, a worrying development is said to be that the retailer will no longer require recycling vendors to be certified to the e-Stewards standard.
The company argues that the changes are needed to cover the increasing costs of television recycling, which it still thinks is a valuable service retailers ought to provide.
The Electronics TakeBack Coalition has urged that the high fee will effectively discourage consumers from recycling, instead opting for illegal dumping or relying on irresponsible recyclers. Even more so because Best Buy offers virtually the only solid e-cycling solution across 25 states without take-back laws.
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