Asia – The Malaysian government has joined forces with industry players to launch the ‘Old Phone, New Life’ e-scrap scheme. Aimed at collecting the estimated 42 million phones at their end-of-life stage, the government has a target of recycling at least one million phones during the project’s first year.
The programme will allow the public to dispose of their old phones – along with chargers and accessories – at 72 participating outlets nationwide, says the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). Recycling will take place at Shan Poornam Metals Sdn Bhd, a ‘full recovery facility’ licensed by the environment department.
The MCMC estimates the actual total of unwanted phones stowed away in people’s homes may well exceed 42 million – a number already far greater than the country’s population of around 30 million. The data gap is likely due to non-certified or unregistered phones.
Parties collaborating with the MCMC include the Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd, Altel Communications, Maxis and UMobile.
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