The Netherlands – On the basis that a significant proportion of e-waste is either ‘handled poorly’ or illegally exported to developing countries, the Association for the Disposal of Metal and Electrotechnical Products (NVMP) in the Netherlands has put forward the recommendation that the country should exclusively rely on certified recycling services, such as those provided by the current recycling leader Wecyle, in order to ‘guarantee high-quality processing’.
Wecycle takes care of e-waste for nearly all Dutch municipalities, except one, indicates a recent study by the recycling service. However, 60 municipalities are said still to engage in trade in e-waste products with local dealers. And it is suspected that some of these traders seek out ‘maximum reward’ and care little about how the discarded products will be treated or where they will end up.
Therefore, Wecycle has decided to open up discussions with the municipalities involved, making clear that, should they continue to fail to co-operate by breaching the existing collection contract, ‘additional measures’ will be taken.
The NVMP has applauded this move, stating that a mandatory approach that binds the municipalities to specialist services like Wecycle will ‘strengthen the legal interest and obligation to recycle in a responsible and proper manner, thus closing the waste chain’.
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