China – Textile and clothing manufacturers in China will have to promote sustainable production and green measures such as recycling from now on, according to the government.
The requirement is part of a directive reflecting the nation’s 12th Five-Year Plan relating to social and economic development and calls for the textiles sector to collaborate with the government in reaching the plan’s ‘circular economy’ goals. These cover promoting energy efficiency and water conservation, developing alternative organic fibres, and producing recycled fibres.
The industry is expected to embrace eco-friendly production by including biodegradable slurry in textile finishing or by opting for digital printing, air-flow dyeing and cold pad-batch dyeing rather than traditional chemical dyeing. Chinese apparel manufacturers have also been advised to invest in green technologies as a response to the possibility that developed overseas markets will impose further ‘green tariffs’.
He Jiankun, low emissions expert and Tsinghua University professor, claims: ‘Were carbon tariffs imposed, the textile industry would be hit hard.’ The China National Textile and Apparel Council has already issued a stern warning to non-compliant companies. ‘Companies who fail to keep up with the requirement will be phased out,’ predicts Yang Donghui, director of the state-owned agency.
According to recent figures from the China Association of Resource Comprehensive Utilization, the country produces roughly 20 million tonnes of wasted fabrics every year. If 60% of this volume were to be recycled, 4.7 million tonnes of natural fibres and 9.4 million tonnes of chemical fibres would be saved, it has been calculated. China has the potential to yield up to 8 million tonnes of fibre from recycled materials alone.
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Source: TopTen Wholesale News
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