United States – The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) has launched a new website (RecycledRubberFacts.org) which aims to highlight the benefits of recycled rubber.
The website is to serve as ‘a visual and educational resource on the vital yet largely unseen role recycled rubber plays in our lives, providing society with environmental and economic benefits’, it is explained.
‘America drives, works and plays on recycled rubber,’ comments ISRI president Robin Wiener. ‘It is all around us and has been enhancing everyday life for hundreds of years. The many benefits of recycled rubber, however, are often overlooked. RecycledRubberFacts.org will help educate people on these benefits and allow for informed conversations.’
Recycled rubber facts of particular note on the website include: recycling four tyres reduces CO2 by about 145 kg, which is equivalent to around 55 litres gasoline; and US scrap rubber manufacturers recycle 110 million tyres annually – or one tyre for every three people in the USA.
It is also highlighted by ISRI that the rubber recycling industry annually generates more than US$ 1.6 billion in economic activity across the USA and accounts for nearly 8000 jobs.
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