Page 24 from: Out now: the summer issue!

There’s nothing to beat
experience and innovation
The quality of aluminium scrap
generated by the German
company Schuster has been
boosted by the use of a hammer
mill Mega 1100 from Panizzolo
Recycling Systems. The heritage
of one of Germany’s most
historic companies allows us to
understand what the future
winning strategies in the scrap
sector will be.
Schuster Metall-Recycling GmbH is headquar-
tered in Wemding, halfway between Munich
and Frankfurt. For many years, it has worked
on the treatment of various types of waste,
with a specialisation in aluminium scrap. Chief
executive Klaus Schuster’s technical and engi-
neering experience, combined with a wide-
ranging practical knowledge of scrap trading,
allows him to choose the right machinery to
get the most from waste metals and deliver
the result directly to German foundries. Here
are his views on the industry and hammer
Tell us abouT The company and iTs
My father founded the company 50 years ago
to trade in scrap and I now run the business.
Over the years we have installed different sys-
tems and consequently increased our presence
in both the German and foreign markets.
Today the company sells more than 3 000
tonnes of secondary raw material per month.
What makes us different is the efficiency of the
plants we work with, the high quality output,
the professionalism in relationships and the
flexibility of treatment.
WhaT recycling planT do you
Work WiTh?
We have cable treatment plants, presses,
shredders, separation systems and a Panizzolo
Mega 1100 hammer mill. For the most part,
the outputs generated are supplied to national
foundries and those in Italy, Austria, Poland
and other countries. Typically, the Panizzolo
Mega 1100 mill mainly works with an alumini-
um stream, the output of which is transformed
by the foundries into raw materials.
Why did you decide To use a
hammer mill?
Because the Mega 1100 hammer mill gives us
a perfect aluminium quality. A shredder, on the
other hand, would never allow us to achieve
this goal. German foundries are demanding
ever-greater quality in the materials they buy.
Why choose panizzolo hammer
Panizzolo recycling solutions are simple to use;
they are not huge machines but are very
strong. That is totally suited to my needs. The
first hammer mill I purchased from Panizzolo
was a Flex 1000 Mobile drum that has lived up
to expectations and has worked for almost ten
years with an average production of about six
tonnes per hour. From the new Mega 1100
hammer mill, I currently get an output produc-
tion of 12 tonnes per hour. I think that I will
easily reach 15 tonnes as it is working at 70%
of its potential.
WhaT do you Think of The paTenT-
ed cradle in panizzolo hammer
It is an excellent idea and another unique fac-
tor that led me to work with the company. The
aluminium profile we buy is not always the
same and the cradle guarantees me flexibility
in setting the speed of the Mega 1100.
Maintenance is simple, safe and quick,
allowing me to reduce the down times.
Furthermore, in the near future it will allow me
to perform fast treatment tests on other kinds
of waste.
WhaT oTher pluses have you
found in The panizzolo mill?
In general I like the whole logic of how it is put
together. You can immediately see that the
design is the result of years of direct experi-
ence in the sector. I myself have developed my
own technical experience by such direct
involvement. Mauro Panizzolo and I have the
same vision of what is technically needed in a
machine to make it work better. A concrete
example is the hammers used in special cast-
ing, born from a research partnership with the
University of Padua. When I tested them, I saw
a radical difference in the wear and the quality
of outputs.
WhaT fuTure lies ahead in The
german scrap markeT?
In recent years there have been important
changes. In Germany, the crisis in the auto-
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