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Lower UK recovered fibre exports in 2013

United Kingdom – The UK, Europe’s largest exporter of recovered paper, saw its overseas shipments fall to a seven-year low in 2013.

The total of 4.248 million tonnes represented a decline of 5.4% from the 4.491 million tonnes shipped abroad in 2012. Exports of newspapers & magazines slumped 42.6% from 1.022 million tonnes to 586 953 tonnes while overseas shipments of the high grades dropped 5.1% to 158 384 tonnes.

These declines more than offset year-on-year export gains of 18.4% for mixed papers to 1.094 million tonnes and of 1.3% for corrugated & kraft to 2.408 million tonnes, according to figures from the Confederation of Paper Industries and HM Revenue & Customs.

UK mill consumption of recovered fibre edged 1% higher last year to 3.806 million tonnes whereas collection volumes fell 2.8% from 8.099 million tonnes in 2012 to 7.869 million tonnes last year.

Meanwhile, the country’s paper and board production reached its highest level since 2008, with the total of 4.561 million tonnes exceeding the previous year’s figure by 1.8%. Printings & writings output dipped 6.7% whereas newsprint (+4.2%) and packaging papers and boards (+3%) achieved notable gains.

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