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Eco-design initiative for HDPE bottles

Belgium – EuPR, the Brussels-based organisation whose members process more than 3 million tonnes of collected plastics per year, has developed new eco-design guidelines for HDPE bottles with the aim of obtaining good-quality recyclate that can be used again in new products such as milk bottles.

The body’€™s HDPE Working Group Chairman, Christian-Yves Crépet, describes HDPE as ‘€˜a very good and easily recyclable material’€™. However, only around 300 000 tonnes of HDPE bottles are being recycled annually in Europe – equivalent to 10-15% of the HDPE waste generated across the continent. This situation can be rectified, he suggests, by addressing various aspects such as ‘€˜an increase in the collection rates, the design of HDPE products put on the market and the technological improvements made by recyclers’€™. He adds: ‘€˜The various actors of the HDPE value chain must now co-operate together in order to get HDPE on the path to sustainability.’€™ The new HDPE recycling guidelines can be downloaded from EuPR’€™s website

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